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The history of Azarbam
AZARBAM company has been established in 1993 by a private section in order to manufacturing waterproofing membranes and different kinds of industrial bitumen. In 1998 all operation processes of the factory finalized and the product launched the same year officially.

 آذر بام تاریخچه 

 This unit benefits from domestic and international technical staff using the latest technology; Moreover, It have been established in an area of 40000 sqm with 15000 sqm building.

This manufacturing unit is one of the major factories in Middle East with total production of 15,000,000 sqm waterproofing membranes, 500000 MT industrial bitumen and 2000 MT different kinds of primers annually. The most part of the production is applied in building foundations and road construction.

Based on different climates in different places, this Company has various productions applicable in each climate and we have many records and reference of our products using in warmest and coldest parts of world.


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