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اخبار و مقالات
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اخبار آذر بام
کد مطلب : 252  |   تعداد نظرات: 0   |   تعداد بازدیدها: 11214   |   تاریخ درج: شنبه, مرداد 28, 1396   |   ساعت: 11:38 ق.ظ   |   منبع / نویسنده مطلب: مدیرمحتوا


Polybag unit opening

Azarbam company aims to cover the new needs of the market and to increase customer satisfactionthrough new products and environment-friendly society,Which would also create a competitive advantage with products available, reduce clients costs, to establish a polybag production line at the factory with a production capacity of 200 tons of various grades of bitumen. ​

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