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اخبار و مقالات
دسته بندی اخبار و مقالات
اخبار آذر بام
کد مطلب : 250  |   تعداد نظرات: 0   |   تعداد بازدیدها: 10753   |   تاریخ درج: شنبه, مرداد 28, 1396   |   ساعت: 11:30 ق.ظ   |   منبع / نویسنده مطلب: مدیرمحتوا


Congratulations Standards Day

Undoubtedly standard fixed order based on the results of science, technology, and human experiences that you and your work colleagues Gramytan the rules, regulations and has the proper system to develop industry in the national economy save preserve health and public safety, expand domestic and foreign trade and effective steps we can take our country to prosperity and development. congratulations standards day to all .

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