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اخبار آذر بام
کد مطلب : 248  |   تعداد نظرات: 0   |   تعداد بازدیدها: 11145   |   تاریخ درج: شنبه, مرداد 28, 1396   |   ساعت: 12:00 ق.ظ   |   منبع / نویسنده مطلب: مدیرمحتوا


The first training (PG) bitumen class in the East Azarbaijan

In iran is currently ranked penetration bitumen tests used to classify according to local needs and conditions of various climatic traffic country,appropriate classification of bitumen based on performance (PG) that in all weather and traffic conditions tar with the performance it offers, it is felt.In this way the temperatures expected construction projects on pitch selection and the volume and speed of traffic is a function of pitch change. bitumen (PG) and its accessories has been tested.The company responsible for the quality of their products to supply laboratory equipment Bitumen classification (PG) and to the theoretical and practical training courses to meet the grading system performance bitumen (PG) and its accessories have been tested.

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